Akash Mudra (Akash Vardhak Mudra)
Published Date: 1/19/2023 9:41:56 PM
How to perform :
- Join the tip of the thumb to the tip of the Middle finger.
- The other fingers are kept straight and relaxed.
- Place the palms, face-up, on your knees or thighs.
- Keep your spine and head straight, shoulders relaxed.
- Perform the mudra with both hands.
Benefits of Akash Mudra:
- Increases the Akash (ether or space) element in the body.
- Akash is a component of the Vata dosha. Hence this mudra reinforces the Vata dosha of the body.
- The space within the body is a part of the outer space, so this mudra enables you to reunite with the Paramatma.
- Negative emotions (fear, anger, sorrow, etc.) replaced by positive ones.
- Elimination of metabolic wastes from the body through exhaled air, sweat, urine, and stool.
- Thus Akash mudra is a detoxifying mudra.
- Increased space allows all other elements to increase, affording them room to act.
- Develops intuition and extrasensory powers.
- Overcome the feeling of fullness/heaviness in the body.
- Overcome discomfort due to overeating.
- Relieve congestion & pain in the head due to migraine or sinusitis.
- Relieves earache due to infection.
- Relieves pain in the chest due to infection or asthma.
- Beneficial in High blood pressure, irregular heartbeats, angina pectoris, etc.
- Aids in meditation. Helps purify emotions and thoughts.
- Increases the Akash (ether or space) element in the body.
- Akash is a component of the Vata dosha. Hence this mudra reinforces the Vata dosha of the body.
- The space within the body is a part of the outer space, so this mudra enables you to reunite with the Paramatma.
- Negative emotions (fear, anger, sorrow, etc.) replaced by positive ones.
- Elimination of metabolic wastes from the body through exhaled air, sweat, urine, and stool.
- Thus Akash mudra is a detoxifying mudra.
- Increased space allows all other elements to increase, affording them room to act.
- Develops intuition and extrasensory powers.
- Overcome the feeling of fullness/heaviness in the body.
- Overcome discomfort due to overeating.
- Relieve congestion & pain in the head due to migraine or sinusitis.
- Relieves earache due to infection.
- Relieves pain in the chest due to infection or asthma.
- Beneficial in High blood pressure, irregular heartbeats, angina pectoris, etc.
- Aids in meditation. Helps purify emotions and thoughts.
- Benefits any bone-related diseases.
- Removes tooth problems, makes teeth strong.
- Locked jaws caused due to yawning can be cured by flipping the middle finger and the thumb.
- Maintains balance of body while walking, climbing up or down the stairs.
- Prevents jet lag. Perform for an hour during the flight.
- When the Agni element (thumb) and Akash element (middle finger) come together, one has a feeling of spaciousness.
- Increases the hearing power.
- Other ear disorders are also cured.
- Discharge from ears, tinnitus, deafness, etc. to cure these - perform the mudra for one hour daily.
- Expansion of the space element helps in heart diseases, all heart-related problems, and high BP, etc. as the Akash element is related to the heart.
- Osteoporosis – perform one hour daily.
- For curing Joint pains – perform Prithvi mudra with a right hand and Akash mudra with the left hand.
- Removes Kapha doshas.
- Kapha / phlegm accumulated in the throat or anywhere else in the body is expelled.
- Helpful in Epilepsy.
- Beneficial in cough and hoarseness in throat.
- Increases sensitivity to hear sounds – for those hard of hearing do this mudra along with shoonya mudra.
- Help absorb calcium and phosphorous from diet and also helps with their formation in the body.
- Releases tension, keeps the mind calm, serene.
- Is used during meditation.
- The regular practice calms and clarifies though process.
- Vertigo, vomiting.
- Helps in case of deficiency of energy inside the body, which weakens the heart, causes problems in body areas associated with space like ears and joints.
- Makes you fearless.
- Strengthens heart muscles.
- During meditation, the Japa mala rests on this finger, which strengthens the heart.
Precaution :
- People with excess of Vata should perform this mudra in moderation.
- This mudra should not be performed while walking, moving, eating.