Published Date: 6/17/2023 5:53:21 AMAyurveda is a leading alternative medicine and probably the most holistic medicine system existing. It translates to “Science of Life” and with its 5 000 years of history, Ayurveda is also the oldest known healing science — preserved until today in India, where it stems from. It was established by the same great Vedic seers and sages that invented Yoga and Meditation.

What is Ayurveda
- Ayurveda is a leading alternative medicine and probably the most holistic medicine system existing. It translates to “Science of Life” and with its 5 000 years of history, Ayurveda is also the oldest known healing science — preserved until…

What is Body
The body is classified into 5 categories. These are Physical, Etheric, Emotional, Mental, Spiritual Body.
Physical Body- Our vehicle here on earth.
Etheric Body- Where Chakra (energy centers) system resides.
Emotional Body / Feeling Body- The frequency within which we sense and feel.

Ether (Akash)
- Ether, the principle of the pervasiveness
The element of ether represents the space in which everything takes place. In the body, it relates to all hollow or empty places in the body, like channels and pores and the ears…

Air (Vayu)
Air (Vayu), the principle of vibration
Wind or air represents the gaseous state of matter and indicates mobility and dynamic. In the body, the wind element is responsible for the respiratory system and necessary for all energy transfers as…

Fire (Agni)
- Fire, the principle of radiance
The element of fire represents the form without substance and has the power to transfer the state of any substance. In the body, it is responsible for digestion and perception and connected to the…

Water (Jal/Apas)
- Water, the principle of cohesion
Water represents the liquid state of matter and indicates change or instability. Water is responsible for the fluid metabolism in the body and so blood, lymph, and other fluids are considered water elements. Water…

Earth (Prithvi)
- Earth, the principle of inertia
The earth element represents the solid state of matter and along with water is responsible for the physical constitution of the body. Bones, teeth, and tissues are considered earth elements. Earth connects to the…
5 Koshas in ayurveda helps our well being
5 Koshas in ayurveda helps our well being . These are :
- Annamaya kosha: Gross reality- Physical body, that comes from food.
- Pranamaya kosha: Behind this kosha is the energy blueprint and that is called Pranamaya kosha because prana is…

- The definition of Ayurveda is the dynamic state of balance between mind, body and environment.
Ayurveda is one of the fastest modes to good health as Ayurveda follows a simple path that is developed or is appropriate to your body…

- Are you a Vata?
Vata body type is governed by air and space elements.
Body structure - People belonging to this class, generally find it difficult to gain weight. As they have a fast metabolism, they are thin with prominent…

- Are you a Kapha?
Kapha body type is governed by water and earth elements.
Body structure – People belonging to this class usually have the largest of all the body types. Physically they have wide hips and shoulders. They have…

- What is Rasa?
All of these attributes are interconnected and influenced by each other but to get a better understanding of the theories, we’ll be looking at the 6 flavors only here.
Ayurveda has a unique approach to break…

- What is Gunas?
All of these attributes are interconnected and influenced by each other but to get a better understanding of the theories, we’ll be looking at the 3 Gunas only here.
The Three Gunas are qualities in food…

- Sattva
“The mode of Goodness”, is the neutral force (0), it means balance and is the calm anchor to the energy currents. Sattvic food promotes a clear mind and is mainly fresh, juicy and nourishing vegetarian fare, either cooked…

- Rajas
“The mode of Passion”, means motion and is seen as the positive (+), fiery, outgoing principle. Rajas can be compared to the masculine Yang energy in the Traditional Chinese Medicine. Rajasic foods usually come to play with hard…

- Tamas
“The mode of Ignorance”, means resistance and describes the idea of negative (-), cool watery and inward principle. Tamas is similar to the feminine Yin energy in Chinese Medicine. Tamasic foods require a lot of energy to digest…

Prakruti and Vikruti
- What is Prakruti and Vikruti ?
The prakruti of a patient is given a lot of importance in Ayurveda. Often translated as a person’s constitution, the term actually means “original creation.” The Sanskrit prefix “pra” means…

Yoga :
yoga therapy is the specific application of yogic tools—postures/exercises, breathwork, meditation techniques, and more—to address an individual’s physical, mental, and emotional needs.”
The National Ayurvedic Medical Association (NAMA) further defines Ayurvedic Yoga Therapy as the “application of Āyurvedic…

- what is Mudra ?
No Dosha on its own is capable of creating or maintaining life, they must work together. This coexistence and dynamic interplay of all the three is the basis of any human activity. These five nature…